
For 2023

I would like to inform you of a new record which will be blasting onto your beautiful mirrors in the following months.

We will be in the studio in February and I can only hope it will be ready some time around March or April. On top of that we will be re-recording one of my favourite past albums ‘Beta’. This will be done in my own simple studio when ever good times arrive.

Kalpa still breaths.

Kalpa’ still.



So where has it been

Its been hidden from view.

I am writing this to inform you of our thoughts. Kalpa has been calm, lying in wait. A pandemic and a busy schedule. 2022 brings with it a new feeling. I feel quitely comfortable that we are at the tail end of the worst of the pandemic and I have freed up alot of time in my schdule. So what more is there to do. Kalpa aims to achive a number of shows this year and look forward to recording a 6th Album. The most recent thing we have to show is Our concept show ‘The Golden Record’, If you have not seen it, then maybe you would like to have a look, See you soon sexy.


Kalpa and the Golden Disc.

This post is a final explanation of what to expect during tonights performance.

We are doing a concept show about the Voyager Space Program(like a modern space musical). Launched in 1977, its primary mission was to study the outer planets. Its secondary mission was to send data about the outer edge of the solar system and beyond.

The narrative of our concert follows the probes trajectory through space and its many milestones. There are in total 7 songs, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, The family portrait and deep space. Between each song we will have to travel to the next planet and so on until we leave our local star behind. Both probes are currently active and have passed ‘New Horizons’ and ‘Pioneer’ (2 earlier deep space probes) becoming the furthest man-made objects in the sky. On board each probe is a golden record containing information about Earth via images music and mathematics. We felt that the golden record is akin to our live stream. We are sending something into the ether, something we have spent a lot of time on and something we can not sure will be received by anyone. The story of the Voyager project and the Golden Disc is pretty damn radical and I’ll be damned if we don’t get a piece of that action.

The show will be live at 7pm and will last 1 hour. Click here for the stream and Enjoy.


2020 – The Year of the metal Rat – has been a trying one. We began the year in hope. We had recorded a new album in late 2019 (year of the earth pig) and completed an Irish tour in February. We were in fact lucky to have completed anything so soon. On our return to Germany, masks were beginning to show. Any concerts we had planned for the year were cancelled and the beginning of the 12 year Chinese animal zodiac began in ernst.

The Voyager project

Kalpa is now involved in a concert show based on the voyager space program from the late 1970s.

Voyager I and II were launched in 1977 on a mission to study the outer planets of our solar system. Being launched to the outer rim would see them eventually leaving our star system to travel into interstellar space. Given this opportunity a team lead by Carl Sagan designed a golden record to be mounted on both satellites. This golden record would have 1 hour of audio including greetings from 55 spoken languages and selected music from around the world. It also encoded 116 images onto the disc with mathematic instructions on how to be played. Both satellites, are to this day active.

On the 17th of December Kalpa will preform a concert in Leipzig based on the travels and hopes of the Voyager space program. The concert will be streamed live at https://hitness.club/.

We would recommend a projector and a dark room for the full immersive experience.

about music

Kalpa macht Folk, wie er im Jahr 2020 klingen sollte. Sänger Cian O’ Sullivan zieht in seinen kruden Geschichten die Hörer in wilde Traumbilder, während er auf der Gitarre Harmonien und musikalische Strukturen neu definiert. Sein Schreibstil erinnert hier an Elliot Smith, Tool, Soulwax oder Alt-J. Maria Reinartz am Cello und Barnabas Platapussy Herrmann auf Duduk, Traversflöte und Percussion weiten den Raum und machen aus der (dis-)harmonischen Spannung der Lieder ihren Spielplatz. Sphärische Metamorphosen und kraftvolle Ausbrüche entstehen durch das besondere Timbre der Stimme und die unkoventionellen Melodien und Harmonien. In all dem steckt so viel Poesie und musikalisches Können, dass es wie Vergangenes und Zukünftiges zugleich scheint. Am Ende bleibt dem Publikum nur eine Frage:

Ist das noch Folk oder brauchen wir einen neuen Namen?

Kalpa plays Folk music that sounds like it should be in the year 2020. In his curious stories, singer Cian O’Sullivan draws the listeners into wild dreams then lets them rest with peaceful melodies. ​While he defining harmonies anew on the guitar Maria Reinartz (cello) and Barnabas Hermann (flute and duduk) open doors and let you in, making the (dis-)harmonic tension welcome in their playground of spherical moments and powerful outbursts.​In all of this lives so much poesie and musical craftmanship that the music seems to be at the same time coming from the past and the future. At the end, only one question remains for the audience: ​

Is this still Folk or do we need a new name for it?